Mojonnier analyzer

Flohr Instruments

Lab technology and scientifical instruments

Flohr Instruments Mojonnier analyzer model Moplant EXE1809.


The Moplant is designed and improved to proceed the referencemethod for determination of solids in milk and dairy products according to Mojonnier, Rose -Gottlieb en Schmidt-Bondzijnski in a simple way and in short time.

Al the necessary equipments for centrifuging, dissolving and vacuumdrying and coolingdown are intergrated in 1 explosionproof instrument.After the preparing of the samples, results can be seen within 1 hour.

We have 4 models available with capacities from 8 to 32 samples at the same time.


Mojonnier analyzer model EXE 1809-04

Capacity 16 samples at the same time.

Mojonnier analyzer model 1809-02.

Capacity 8 samples at the same time

Mojonnier analyzer model EXE1809-06

capacity 32 samples at the same time.

Mojonnier analyzer model EXE 1809-03

Capacity 16 samples at the same time


Holder for 4 mojonnier glasstubes

Holder for 8 mojonnier glasstubes

Mojonnier shakingmachine for 4, 6 or 8 Mojonnier glass tubes.